Lately he'd been seen going out less and less, becoming that strangest of animals in a small town: a loner.
Kristin HannahTo make real friends you have to put yourself out there. Sometimes people will let you down, but you can't let that stop you. If you get hurt, you just pick yourself up, dust off your feelings, and try again.
Kristin HannahWe women. as glue for the family. lead lives that are important and conflicted. What we women choose to give up for our families is important and valid.
Kristin HannahIt is a kiss that, once begun, never really ends. Interrupted, yes. Paused, certainly. But from that very moment onward, Vera sees the whole of her life as only a breath away from kissing him again. On that night in the park, they begin the delicate task of binding their souls together, creating a whole comprising their separate halves.
Kristin Hannah