The very nature of the Chinaman holds him back. If his fellow should fall, John thinks it quite proper that he stamp on the underdogs face.
L. Ron HubbardThe handling of a problem seems to be simply the increase of ability to confront the problem and when the problem can be totally confronted it no longer exists.
L. Ron HubbardNow, there is something else interesting here, is this thing called self-determinism and pan-determinism. We have found that there is something stands as a barrier between the ability of a person to be self-determined and the condition he is in, and that is willingness to be controlled. As long as a person will resist control, then everything that comes along which threatens to control him can do so; and thus you have aberration. And until he has a total tolerance of control, he cannot be self-determined or pan-determined.
L. Ron HubbardWhat is important is how much service you can give to the world and how much better you can make things. These are important things. These are all that are important. A bank account never measured the worth of a man. His ability to help measured his worth and that's all. A bank account can assist one to help but where it ceases to do that it becomes useless.
L. Ron Hubbard