The wise man tests before he talks. The critic but follows the fad of a cynical and apathetic age.
L. Ron HubbardWho said the road doesnโt have bumps? It can still be traveled. So people can fall down: it doesnโt mean they canโt get up again and keep going.
L. Ron HubbardNo man is happy without a goal, and no man can be happy without faith in his own ability to reach that goal.
L. Ron HubbardNow you say you have to absolutely truthful. Sincerity is the main thing, and truthfulness is the main thing and don't lie to anybody ... and you'll get ahead. Brother you sure will. You'll get ahead right on that cycle of action, right toward zero! It's a trap not being able to prevaricate ... This makes life more colorful!
L. Ron Hubbard