People leave because of their own overts and withholds. That is the factual fact and the hard-bound rule. A man with a clean heart canโt be hurt. The man or woman who must must must become a victim and depart is departing because of his or her own overts and withholds. It doesnโt matter whether the person is departing from a town or a job or a session. The cause is the same.
L. Ron HubbardLearn to write when you would rather sleep. Learn to exercise this gift of language when no conscious portion of your wits can vibrate anything but worry. Learn to write so, my son, and you can call yourself a writer.
L. Ron HubbardTheta clearing is about as practical and simple as repairing a shoe lace. It is nothing to do with hypnotism, voodooism, charalatanism, monkeyism or theosophy. Done, the thetan can do anything a stage magician can do in the way of moving objects around. But this isn't attained by holding one's breath or thinking right thoughts or voting Republican or any other superstitous or mystic practice. So for the reason I brought up, rule out, auditor, any mumbo jumbo or mysticism, spiritualism, or religion.
L. Ron Hubbard