Rapture cults had packed their suitcases and were massing together in great vigils, waiting for the end. "All bogus," she'd told Zuzana. "Just a bunch of crackpots waiting for the Apocalypse." "Because, fun, right?" Zuzana rubbed her hands together in mock glee. "Oh, boy. The Apocalypse!" "Right? I know. How much does your life have to suck to want the Apocalypse?
Laini TaylorThis, she thought, isnโt just for today. Itโs for everything. For the heartache that still felt like a punch in the gut each time it struck, fresh as new, at unpredictable moments; for the smiling lies and the mental images she couldnโt shake; for the shame of having been so naive. For the way loneliness is worse when you return to it after a reprieveโlike the soulโs version of putting on a wet bathing suit, clammy and miserable.
Laini Taylor