Hey! My body may be small, but my soul is large. Itโs why I wear platforms. So I can reach the top of my soul.
Laini TaylorIt wasnโt like in the storybooks. No witches lurked at crossroads disguised as crones, waiting to reward travelers who shared their bread. Genies didnโt burst from lamps, and talking fish didnโt bargain for their lives. In all the world, there was only one place humans could get wishes: Brimstoneโs shop. And there was only one currency he accepted. It wasnโt gold, or riddles, or kindness, or any other fairy-tale nonsense, and no, it wasnโt souls, either. It was weirder than any of that. It was teeth.
Laini TaylorThese soldiers had done what they had done, and been done unto in return. This was how it went. In the cycle of slaughter, reprisal begat reprisal, forever.
Laini Taylor...the air seeming to gather around her like held breath. As if this whole place were a story about her.
Laini TaylorIn moments Akiva was up in the ether, scarcely feeling the sting of ice crystals in the thin air. He let his glamour fall away, and his wings were like sheets of fire sweeping the black of the heavens. He moved at speed, onward toward another human city to find another doorway bitter with the devil's magic, and after that another, until all bore the black handprint....Once all the doors were marked, the end would begin. And it would begin with fire.
Laini Taylor