The pretty nurse had just injected her with something that totally rocked, and if she wanted to think about boinking a bronzed, tattooed, impossibly handsome doctor who was so far out of her league she need a telescope to see him, then screw it. Screw him. Over and over.
Larissa IoneForgive me-he mumbled against her lips. Please. Forgive me for what I'm going to do to you. ~Shade
Larissa IoneYou're no angel. You're Fallen. You just haven't had the decency to lose your wings. [Reaver]
Larissa IoneReseph tried to convince one of my vamps to slip an aphrodisiac into my drink." "Ares is quite fond of the orc-weed," Vulgrim called out from the kitchen, and yeah, there was a set of chains in the dungeon with his name on them. Limos scowled. "What did your demon say?" "Nothing," Ares muttered.
Larissa Ione