Why are you all here?" "One of Bantazar's assassins hit you with an exomangler," Lore said. "He's dead." "A lot dead." Wraith snorted and high-fived Lore. "Massive deadness.
Larissa IoneLore? Tell me what Sin said about you being tortured wasn't true,' He didn't look at her as he moved toward the bathroom. 'It wasn't true.' 'You're lying.' 'You told me to.
Larissa IoneI'll listen to you, but you need to treat me with a little respect. Because it doesn't sound like I'm a pawn. Sounds like I'm more of a queen." A vein in his temple began to throb, and she grew bolder, the sense of power emanating from the mark on her chest filing her with the mettle she'd lost after the break-in two years ago. Lowering her voice to a tense whisper, she nipped his earlobe. "Checkmate.
Larissa Ione