You should smile more often.' 'Can't.' He grunted as he opened her shirt to expose her chest. 'My face might freeze like that.
Larissa IoneShe'd read somewhere that normal, healthy men got up to twenty erections a day. Um...yep, Ares was definitely healthy.
Larissa IoneHarvester might have a halo, but dear, sweet Lord, she was no angel in the sack. Awesome.
Larissa IoneHurry," she breathed. Man, talk about pressure. He was supposed to get it up while demon hordes were trying to kill him, and Satan himself was knocking at the door.
Larissa IoneYou know I could crush you." "I know you won't." "Why, because I need to protect you?" "No," She poked him in the breastplate. "Because you gave me a pillow.
Larissa IoneFuuuuuuuuuuck." Kynan scrubbed his face. "I could use a double shot of whiskey right now." "I'm sure Flicka keeps hard liquor behind the bar." "Flicka?" "I don't want to say her name." "So you're calling her horse names?" Ky coked a dark eyebrow. "I can't wait to see how she reacts to Mr. Ed.
Larissa Ione