I'm urging all women, I ask them the first time men hit you, please walk away. There is help out there. There are a lot of places that you can go and get help. That's the first step to your freedom and to your life is to walk away.
LaToya JacksonWhen I wake up, I always thank God. I'm grateful for another day, and he's allowed me this tiny thing that we should be appreciative of.
LaToya JacksonJeffré [Phillips] is the most wonderful guy in the world. He has the most wonderful heart, he's a beautiful human being, and I just simply adore him. It's so interesting how you have to switch your thoughts and your feelings when you're working together as a business partner with your best friend and, all of a sudden, love enters the picture. It's such a beautiful thing, but at the same time, you're trying to decide, "Where do I place this?"
LaToya JacksonWhen I finally decided to do the show, I only had two weeks to learn the choreography and the songs in French.
LaToya JacksonI love my family and I miss them very much but I'm a new person now. I know a lot of people will not agree with what I've done, but it was right for me.
LaToya JacksonIn the beginning, I didn't realize that I was so open with my feelings, and I had to stop and think to myself, I couldn't possibly be the only one in the world going through this. Perhaps this will help other people when I face my fears and allow people to come into my space. These are the things that I worked through, and in a sense, it's great that I was able to share that, although I was terrified after I realized that I was sharing it with the world.
LaToya Jackson