A little boy who's discovered the monster under the bed is actually real, and it's screwing Mommy.
Laurell K. Hamiltonmurder takes presedence over watching my boyfriend strip" -ID, Anita to Nathaniel
Laurell K. HamiltonThe Greeks believed that once there were no male and female, that all souls were one. Then the souls were torn apart, male and female. The Greeks thought that when you found the other half of your soul, your soul mate, that it would be your perfect lover But I think if you find your other half, you would be too much alike to be lovers, but you would still be soul mates.
Laurell K. HamiltonThere is some comfort in killing that which has hurt you, but it is cold comfort. It'll destroy things inside of you that the original pain wouldn't have harmed. Sometimes it's not a question of whether a piece of your soul is going to go missing, only which piece it's going to be.
Laurell K. Hamilton