Then the angels, the demon, and the Nephilim flew to distant corners of the sky, leaving a moment's brilliant flash of light behind them, as below, Luce and Daniel fell in love for the first-and the last- time
Lauren KateLuce blushed. "Then what kind of angel are you?" "I'm sort of in between gigs right now," Daniel said.
Lauren KateNow lemme get this straight," she said in a throaty, nasal voice. "You put the lime in the cocanut and drink 'em both up--whoa, long faces. What am I interrupting?
Lauren KateAfter such an emotional day with her own parents, the thought nearly brought Luce to her knees with sadness. Daniel was alone in the world.
Lauren KateDaniel! Luce said. He looks-Different and also precisely the same? Bill asked.Yes.That's his soul you recognize. Regardless of how you two may look on the outside, you'll alwaysknow each other's souls.It hadn't occurred to Luce until now how remarkable it was that she recognized Daniel in every life.Her soul found his. That's ... beautiful.
Lauren Kate