What glitters may not be gold; and even wolves may smile; and fools will be led by promises to their deaths.
Lauren OliverI know the past will drag you backward and down, have you snatching at whispers of wind and the gibberish of trees rubbing together, trying to decipher some code, trying to piece together what was broken. It's hopeless. The past is nothing but a weight. It will build inside you like a stone.
Lauren OliverThe tunnels may be long, and twisted, and dark; but you are supposed to go through them.
Lauren OliverI cry for everything I abandoned and because I, too, have been left behind -- by Alex, by my mom, by time that has cut through our worlds and separated us.
Lauren OliverThatโs a funny thing: you think, when awful things happen, everything else just stops, like you would forget to pee and eat and get thirsty, but itโs not really true. Itโs like you and your body are two separate things, like your body is betraying you, chugging on, idiotic and animal, craving water and sandwiches and bathroom breaks while your world falls apart.
Lauren Oliver