Promise me we'll stay together, okay? His eyes are once again the clear blue of a perfectly transparent pool. They are eyes to swim in, to float in, forever. "You and me". "I promise". I say. behind us the door creaks open, and I turn around, expecting Raven, just as a voice cuts through the air: "Don't believe her.
Lauren OliverMost people don't want to be saved. Besides, if you keep bailing everybody out, they'll never learn to paddle on their own.
Lauren OliverJuliet!' I whip around but not quickly enough. She's swallowed by the crowd, the gap that allowed her to break for the door closing just as quickly as it opened, a shifting Tetris pattern of bodies.
Lauren OliverFunny how time heals. Like that bullet in my ribs. It's there, I know it's there, but I can barely feel it at all anymore.
Lauren Oliver