I've been so used to thinking of what the borders are keeping out that I haven't considered that they're also penning us in.
Lauren OliverThings would get difficult again. But that was okay too. The bravery was in moving forward, no matter what.
Lauren OliverThe devil stole into the Garden of Eden. He carried with him the disease - amor deliria nervosa - in the form of a seed. It grew and flowered into a magnificent apple tree, which bore apples as bright as blood. -From Genesis: A Complete History of the World and the Known Universe, by Steven Horace, PhD, Harvard University
Lauren OliverFor the first time in my life I actually feel sorry for Carol. I'm only seventeen years old, and I already know something she doesn't know: I know that life isn't life if you just float through it. I know that the whole point- the only point- is to find things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.
Lauren Oliver