Ken & Mark weave a simple, compelling tale that contains profound truths. If only we all knew The Secret.
Laurie Beth JonesIf you believe you have a just cause, an important message, or a key contribution to make, you will be just as innovative as a college freshman desperate to see his girlfriend six hundred miles away. You will get there any way you can.
Laurie Beth JonesInertia, when first encountered, appears to be an immovable force. We are creatures who like comfort, patterns, and repetition... Yet change is life's only constant.
Laurie Beth JonesKnow more about the situation you're facing than a reporter who is writing a major article would.
Laurie Beth JonesBelief in oneself is a crucial quality of leadership, because 'a house divided against itself cannot stand.' A leader who fluctuates back and forth sends a very wavery signal. Like the soprano who can shatter glass by finding that high note and holding it, a leader who can hold that high note, without wavering, can shatter walls.
Laurie Beth Jones