While the creative works from the 16th century can still be accessed and used by others, the data in some software programs from the 1990s is already inaccessible. Once a company that produces a certain product goes out of business, it has no simple way to uncover how its product encoded data. The code is thus lost, and the software is inaccessible. Knowledge has been destroyed.
Lawrence LessigCreativity and innovation always builds on the past. The past always tries to control the creativity that builds upon it. Free societies enable the future by limiting this power of the past. Ours is less and less a free society.
Lawrence LessigFor however much the state may gain by not having to fund roads on its own, society would lose in aggregate if the open commons of transportation were lost.
Lawrence LessigYou and I both know that as long as our representatives are held hostage to their funders - and their funders are not all of us - our system will not work
Lawrence LessigPermission from the government is an expensive commodity. New ideas rarely have this kind of support. Old ideas often have deep legislative connections to defend them against the new.
Lawrence Lessig