While alcohol ... continues to wreak havoc in America, supported by a $6 billion-a-year alcohol industry advertising campaign extolling the joy of inebriation, the far less harmful drug of marijuana remains illegal and continues to ruin people's lives - only if they are caught possessing and convicted of that crime.
Lawrence O'DonnellWhy in general, when you`re putting together a White House staff and putting together a good one, you`re looking for someone there who is not someone who`s going to be heavy-handed.
Lawrence O'DonnellHe addressed a black lawyer as "boy". That`s why Jeff Sessions couldn`t get through Senate confirmation process under the old rules followed by Democrats and Republicans.
Lawrence O'DonnellJeff Sessions wished he wasn`t the attorney general. The president Donald Trump has the most incompetent cabinet in history, and he`s unhappy with only one of them. Only Jeff Sessions.
Lawrence O'DonnellMelania Trump`s husband tweeted this: "Arianna Huffington is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man. He made a good decision."
Lawrence O'Donnell