I promise you that there are a lot of people involved in various kinds of retail activities who think they have a crucial role in the economy, and they're right.
Lawrence SummersThe availability of private insurance provides tremendous insulation for millions of individuals
Lawrence SummersIt says something about this new global economy that USA Today now reports every morning on the day's events in Asian markets.
Lawrence SummersWe are inheriting the worst financial system since the Depression. We're inheriting a situation - when people go back and study major banking crises a quarter century from now, the one that America developed in 2007 and 2008 is going to be one of those crises.
Lawrence SummersJust between you and me, shouldn’t the World Bank be encouraging MORE migration of the dirty industries to the LDCs [Less Developed Countries]?... I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that... I’ve always though that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted, their air quality is probably vastly inefficiently low compared to Los Angeles or Mexico City.
Lawrence Summers