It is a question of building which is at the root of the social unrest of today: architecture or revolution.
Le CorbusierArchitecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light.
Le CorbusierThe purpose of construction is TO MAKE THINGS HOLD TOGETHER; of architecture TO MOVE US.
Le CorbusierGenius is personal, decided by fate, but it expresses itself by means of system. There is no work of art without system.
Le CorbusierNegro music has touched America because it is the melody of the soul joined with the rhythm of the machine. It is in two part time; tears in the heart; movement of the legs, torso arms and head. The music of the era of construction; innovating. It floods the body and heart; it floods the USA and its floods the world. The jazz is more advanced than the architecture. If architecture were at the point reached by jazz, it would be an incredible spectacle.
Le Corbusier