As the Promethean fire which banished Darkness, so Knowledge bears the Power and the Light.
Leanna Renee HieberA girl's body was a prize. It had to be more than asked for. It had to be earned, worshipped, and avowed.
Leanna Renee HieberWhat good was speaking when I'd determined none of the world listened to one another, especially not when a woman was speaking.
Leanna Renee HieberBut there is no sole person for another's heart. Souls cannot be broken and then completed by another. That's not healthy, nor wise. There are infinite possibilities as there are infinite people and some matches are better than others...Just don't say that you'll die without the other one or that you'll never love again or that you're not whole-That's the stuff of Romeo and Juliet, hasty nonsense, and you know how well that turned out...Just don't be desperate about it. That's where souls go wrong, when they think they don't have choices. The heart must make choices.
Leanna Renee Hieber