The very greatest genius, after all, is not the greatest thing in the world, any more than the greatest city in the world is the country or the sky. It is the concentration of some of its greatest powers, but it is not the greatest diffusion of its might. It is not the habit of its success, the stability of its sereneness.
Leigh HuntGreat women belong to history and to self-sacrifice, not to the annals of a stage, however dignified.
Leigh HuntBread, milk and butter are of venerable antiquity. They taste of the morning of the world.
Leigh HuntThe only place a new hat can be carried into with safety is a church, for there is plenty of room there.
Leigh HuntLarge eyes were admired in Greece, where they still prevail. They are the finest of all when they have the internal look, which is not common. The stag or antelope eye of the Orientals is beautiful and lamping, but is accused of looking skittish and indifferent. "The epithet of 'stag-eyed,'" says Lady Wortley Montgu, speaking of a Turkish love-song, "pleases me extremely; and I think it a very lively image of the fire and indifference in his mistress' eye.
Leigh Hunt