We really cannot see what equanimity there is in jerking a lacerated carp out of the water by the jaws, merely because it has no the power of making a noise; for we presume that the most philosophic of anglers would hardly delight in catching a shrieking fish.
Leigh HuntThe more sensible a woman is, supposing her not to be masculine, the more attractive she is in her proportionate power to entertain.
Leigh HuntAn author is like a baker; it is for him to make the sweets, and others to buy and enjoy them.
Leigh HuntWhen Goethe says that in every human condition foes lie in wait for us, "invincible only by cheerfulness and equanimity," he does not mean that we can at all times be really cheerful, or at a moment's notice; but that the endeavor to look at the better side of things will produce the habit, and that this habit is the surest safeguard against the danger of sudden evils.
Leigh Hunt