I could never stand big-mouthed types. I had problems with that at high school. Iยve still got the scars on my fists from the teeth of the guys I hit so that theyยd finally shut up. I came from England to Canada, of course, and was often ridiculed because I had a strange accent. I was expelled from school and it was a long time before I could control myself. But the impulse remained: a punch in the mouth to get some peace and quiet.
Lennox LewisSometimes the image of the intellectual boxer did for me more harm than good. If a boxer has a reputation as an intellectual, some people no longer respect him as a fighter. With me it was always ยLennox should react, not thinkย. But thatยs nonsense. Only the guy who controls his opponent wins.
Lennox LewisA boxer should quit at the top, as they say. But thatยs complicated. There are plenty of people in boxing who make money out off you. And they tell you that youยve still got it, that itยs still getting better.
Lennox Lewis