By realizing that we are ignorant of the most important things, we realize at the same time that the most important thing for us, or the one thing needful, is quest for knowledge of the most important things or quest for wisdom.
Leo StraussNothing ought to be said or done which could create the impression that unbiased reconsideration of the most elementary premises of philosophy is a merely academic or historical affair.
Leo StraussPhilosophizing means, then, to ascend from public dogma to essentially private knowledge.
Leo StraussGod's reasons for communicating with man must be subsumed under his reason for communicating to him his account of his creation of the world - and man.
Leo StraussLiberal education reminds those members of a mass democracy who have ears to hear, of human greatness.
Leo StraussMen must always have distinguished (e.g. in judicial matters) between hearsay and seeing with one's own eyes and have preferred what one has seen to what he has merely heard from others. But the use of this distinction was originally limited to particular or subordinate matters. As regards the most weighty matters the first things and the right way the only source of knowledge was hearsay.
Leo Strauss