Can it be that I have not lived as one ought?" suddenly came into his head. "But how not so, when I've done everything as it should be done?
Leo TolstoyHuman love serves to love those dear to us but to love one's enemies we need divine love.
Leo TolstoyFriends we shall never be, you know that yourself. Whether we shall be the happiest or the wretchedest of people--that's in your hands.
Leo TolstoyThere was no solution, save that universal solution which life gives to all questions, even the most complex and insolvable: One must live in the needs of the day--that is, forget oneself.
Leo TolstoyAnd those who only know the non-platonic love have no need to talk of tragedy. In such love there can be no sort of tragedy.
Leo TolstoyIf I had any doubts at all about the justice of my dislike for Shakespeare, that doubt vanished completely. What a crude, immoral,vulgar, and senseless work Hamlet is. The whole thing is based on pagan vengeance; the only aim is to gather together as many effects as possible; there is no rhyme or reason about it.
Leo Tolstoy