Once again, he who ignores the problems of revolutionary strategy would do better not to talk about revolutions at all.
Leon TrotskyThe slanders poured down like Niagara. If you take into consideration the setting - the war and the revolution - and the character of the accused - revolutionary leaders of millions who were conducting their party to the sovereign power - you can say without exaggeration that July 1917 was the month of the most gigantic slander in world history.
Leon TrotskySimultaneously the Left Opposition in the course of several years carried on a struggle against the Stalinists in favor of collectivization.
Leon TrotskyOnly when the kulak refused to deliver grain to the State did [Joseph] Stalin, under the pressure of the Left Opposition, accomplish a sharp turn. Being the empiricist that he is, he moved, to the opposite extreme, and set as a task for two or three years the collectivization of all the peasantry, the liquidation of the kulaks as a class, and the compression of the Five Year Plan into four years.
Leon Trotsky