Coroner's inquest: death by drowning. And he hasn't been to the sea-shore in ten years.
Leonard CohenMy sense of proprietorship has been so weak that actually I didn't pay attention and I lost the copyrights on a lot of the songs.
Leonard CohenI try to make those references. I try to make sure that they're not too obscure. But outside of that, I dare not claim anything in the spiritual realm for my own.
Leonard CohenDoes anybody have a cigarette? I'm looking forward to that first smoke. I've been looking forward to [it] for about 30 years.
Leonard CohenAs soon as anybody does one of my songs, I rejoice. This particular case of all these great singers doing my work - the implications are very rich and the temptation to think of the outcome of these masses of the mainstream injecting my work into the marketplace, it's a very sweet speculation.
Leonard Cohen