Someone asked me, 'Do you pray for the dead?' I said, 'No, I preach to them! I think every pew in every church is death row. Think about that! They're dead! They sing about God; they talk about God, but they're dead! They have no living relationship (with God).
Leonard RavenhillOne of the most amazing things Jesus said is that at the judgment seat, preachers are going to say `I cast out devils, and Jesus will say `I never knew you.
Leonard RavenhillNo man - I don't care how colossal his intellect - No man is greater than his prayer life.
Leonard RavenhillThe Church right now has more fashion than passion, is more pathetic than prophetic, is more superficial than supernatural.
Leonard RavenhillTo be much for God, we must be much with God. Jesus, that lone figure in the wilderness, knew strong crying, along with tears. Can one be moved with compassion and not know tears? Jeremiah was a sobbing saint. Jesus wept! So did Paul. So did John. Though there are some tearful intercessors behind the scenes, I grant you that to our modern Christianity, praying is foreign.
Leonard Ravenhill