I can remember the time when, if we wanted a house or housing, we relied on private enterprise. In fact, Americans built more square feet of housing per person than any other country on the face of the earth. Despite that remarkable accomplishment, more and more people are coming to believe that the only way we can have adequate housing is to use government to take the earnings from some and give these earnings, in the form of housing, to others.
Leonard ReadGovernments resort to inflation with popular support because the people apparently are naïve enough to believe that they can have their cake and eat it, too.
Leonard ReadWere it necessary to bring a majority into a comprehension of the libertarian philosophy, the cause of liberty would be utterly hopeless. Every significant movement in history has been led by one or just a few individuals with a small minority of energetic supporters.
Leonard ReadThe advancement of freedom is not a matter of who wields political power over creative actions; rather, it depends upon the disassembling of such power.
Leonard ReadThe free market opens the way for men to operate at their moral best, and all observation confirms that the poor fare better under these circumstances than when the way is closed, as it is under socialism.
Leonard Read