Venus in Furs has caught his soul in the red snares of hair. He will paint her, and go mad.
Leopold von Sacher-MasochCats exercise... a magic influence upon highly developed men of intellect. This is why these long-tailed Graces of the animal kingdom, these adorable, scintillating electric batteries have been the favorite animal of a Mohammed, Cardinal Richlieu, Crebillon, Rousseau, Wieland.
Leopold von Sacher-MasochIf I can't enjoy the full and total happiness of love, then I want to drain its torments, its tortures to the dregs; then I want the woman I love to mistreat me, betray me, and the more cruelly the better. That too is a pleasure.
Leopold von Sacher-MasochThe person who doesn't know how to subjugate will all too quickly feel the other's foot on the nape of his neck.
Leopold von Sacher-MasochNature admits of no permanence in the relation between man and woman. It is only man's egoism that wants to keep woman like some buried treasure. All endeavors to introduce permanence in love, the most changeable thing in this changeable human existence, have gone shipwreck in spite of religious ceremonies, vows, and legalities.
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch