Find a woman who cares about nothing but loving, serving, honoring, and glorifying Jesus Christ, and you will see who truly is the 'fairest of them all.'
Leslie LudyWhen Christ becomes our focal point, we become everything we are meant to be-a servant to the glory of the King of all kings.
Leslie LudyOnly when self moves out of the way can His spectacular glory come cascading through your life. When Jesus is in His rightful place, all insecurity will fade away and His lasting loveliness will become the mark of your life.
Leslie LudyThe most beautiful women I've ever observed are those that have exchanged a self-focused life for a Christ-focused one. They are confident, but not in themselves. Instead of self-confidence, they radiate with Christ-confidence.
Leslie LudySometimes in a relationship, we can be so caught up in our feelings for the other person that we squeeze God into the background. It becomes a confusing, emotional mess and we wonder why God isn't giving us more direction, when all the while He is there waiting to be allowed back into first place in our hearts. Only when He is truly in first place are we ready for a God-written love story.
Leslie Ludy