You look at the Middle East, you started the Iran deal, that's another beauty where you have a country that was ready to fall, I mean, they were doing so badly. They were choking on the sanctions. And now they're going to be actually probably a major power at some point pretty soon, the way they're going.
Lester HoltCandidates [Hillary Clinton and Donald trump], we look forward to hearing you articulate your policies and your positions, as well as your visions and your values.
Lester HoltOn more than one occasion, the camera has cut to me after a break as I'm still trying to swallow the last bite of cookie. Those of you who have thought to yourselves, 'That guy talks like he has marbles in his mouth,' should know that they are not marbles, but oatmeal cookies.
Lester HoltStop-and-frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York, because it largely singled out black and Hispanic young men.
Lester HoltI think sometimes we lose sight of how powerful we are when we put someone on the news - for good or bad. It can really change people's lives.
Lester Holt