The foundation is being laid for the emergence of both wind and solar cells as cornerstones of the new energy economy. World wind generating capacity grew from 7,600 megawatts in 1997 to 9,600 in 1998, an expansion of 26 percent. At a national level, Germany led the way, adding 790 megawatts of capacity, followed by Spain with 380 megawatts, and the United States with 226 megawatts. In the past, U.S. wind generating capacity was concentrated in California, but in 1998, wind farms began generating electricity in Minnesota, Oregon, and Wyoming, broadening the new industry's geographical base.
Lester R. BrownIn today's integrated world economy, ... eradicating poverty may contribute as much to U.S. security as eradicating terrorism.
Lester R. BrownNations are in effect ceding portions of their sovereignty to the international community and beginning to create a new system of international environmental governance.
Lester R. BrownSaving Greenland is both a metaphor and a precondition for saving civilization. If its ice sheet melts, sea levels will rise 23 feet. Hundreds of coastal cities will be abandoned. The rice growing river deltas of Asia will be under water. There will be hundreds of millions of rising-sea refuges. The word that comes to mind is chaos. If we cannot mobilize to save the Greenland ice sheet; we probably cannot save civilization as we know it.
Lester R. BrownSocialism failed because it couldn't tell the economic truth. Capitalism may fail because it couldn't tell the ecological truth.
Lester R. Brown