When does the mind put forth its powers? when are the stores of memory unlocked? when does wit 'flash from fluent lips?' -- when but after a good dinner? Who will deny its influence on the affections? Half our friends are born of turbots and truffles.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonAnd this is woman's fate: all her affections are called into life by winning flatteries, and then thrown back upon themselves to perish; and her heart, her trusting heart, filled with weak tenderness, is left to bleed or break!
Letitia Elizabeth LandonHabit is a second nature, and what was at first pleasure, is next necessity.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonThe truth is, we never make for others the allowance we make for ourselves; and we should deny even our own words, could we hear them spoken by another.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon