Nothing but love can answer to love; no affection, no kindness, no care, can supply its place: it is its own sweet want.
Letitia Elizabeth Landonthere is nothing so easy as to be wise for others; a species of prodigality, by-the-by - for such wisdom is wholly wasted.
Letitia Elizabeth Landonto the many, witticisms not only require to be explained, like riddles, but are also like new shoes, which people require to wear many times before they get accustomed to them.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonIn our road through life we may happen to meet with a man casting a stone reverentially to enlarge the cairn of another which stone he has carried in his bosom to sling against that very other's head.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonIt is said that ridicule is the test of truth; but it is never applied except when we wish to deceive ourselves - when if we cannot exclude the light, we would fain draw the curtain before it. The sneer springs out of the wish to deny; and wretched must that state of mind be, that wishes to take refuge in doubt.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon