Do anything but love; or if thou lovest and art a woman, hide thy love from him whom thou dost worship; never let him know how dear he is; flit like a bird before him; lead him from tree to tree, from flower to flower; but be not won, or thou wilt, like that bird, when caught and caged, be left to pine neglected and perish in forgetfulness.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonOccupation is one great source of enjoyment. No man, properly occupied, was ever miserable.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonI cannot love evergreens - they are the misanthropes of nature. To them the spring brings no promise, the autumn no decline; they are cut off from the sweetest of all ties with their kind - sympathy. ... I will have no evergreens in my garden; when the inevitable winter comes, every beloved plant and favorite tree shall drop together - no solitary fir left to triumph over the companionship of decay.
Letitia Elizabeth LandonEnthusiasm is the divine particle in our composition: with it we are great, generous, and true; without it, we are little, false, and mean.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon