Friends seem to be like aspirin; we don't really know why they make a sick person feel better, but they do.
Letty Cottin PogrebinOver the years, I've found that I either live life or write about it. I can't seem to do both simultaneously - I have to do it sequentially. When I write incessantly, I lose touch with the issues and passions that fuel the work. But when I get too involved in organizations or movement endeavors, I almost forget that I'm a writer. It's a constant struggle to find a balance between these two worlds - the solitary writing life and the life of a social justice activist.
Letty Cottin PogrebinIf the Richter scale could measure human calamities, the loss of a child would register a ten.
Letty Cottin PogrebinI feel about mothers the way I feel about dimples: because I do not have one myself, I notice everyone who does.
Letty Cottin Pogrebin