We must understand that the fact of error, demonstrated in subsequent work, does not suggest that ethical lapses are responsible. It is more likely that the source of error is, as the advertisement says, a reflection of the fact that "its dangerous to trifle with Mother Nature".
Lewis M. BranscombTechnological innovation is the successful implementation (in commerce or management) of a technical idea new to the institution creating it.
Lewis M. BranscombTeachers of science in schools and colleges must be masters of the tools for ensuring integrity in science and must instill them in their students.
Lewis M. BranscombShortly after taking office in 1993, President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore called for a shift in American technology policy toward an expansion of public investments in partnerships with private industry.
Lewis M. BranscombAn exploration of the challenges Korea faces in transforming its economy from a government-directed, low-cost producer to an innovative world economic power based on its own scientific and technological development.
Lewis M. BranscombWhile it is becoming increasingly obvious that the fundamental architecture of a system has a profound Influence on the quality of its human factors, the vast majority of human factors studies concern the surface of hardware (keyboards, screens) or the very surface of the software (command names, menu formats).
Lewis M. Branscomb