All morning, Spence has been a well-oiled machine of activity. Everyone doing her bit, quietly and efficiently. It's strange how deliberate people are after a death. All the indecision suddenly vanishes into clear, defined moments--changing the linens, choosing a dress or a hymn, the washing up, the muttering of prayers. All the small, simple, conscious acts of living a sudden defense against the dying we do every day.
Libba BrayI know I've done the right thing but I couldn't feel worse about it, and I suppose that is part of what it is to lead.
Libba BrayAnd now I understand that truth casts a spell of its own, one I'm not sure of how to hold on to, though I'm desperate to try.
Libba BrayThey would place their hands together inside the circle so that they could walk in each other's dreams. It forged a bond that could not be broken. The circle represents love in eternity. For there is no beginning and no end.
Libba Bray