Sometimes we choose a friend who mirrors our fantasies, dreams of a self we wish we could be.
Lillian B. RubinWhatever else we may say about sex, it is at least as much a social and psychological phenomenon as it is a biological one.
Lillian B. RubinContrary to all we hear about women and their empty-nest problem, it may be fathers more often than mothers who are pained by thechildren's imminent or actual departure--fathers who want to hold back the clock, to keep the children in the home for just a little longer. Repeatedly women compare their own relief to their husband's distress
Lillian B. RubinBy identifying with the powerful, the disempowered achieve a measure of safety, at least for a moment. By doing the bidding of those in power, they become a necessary part of the system, useful so long as they serve to contain the stirrings and strivings of the oppressed. By making the rules and values of their oppressor their own, they separate themselves from the rest of their group and, temporarily at least, assuage the pain of their stigmatized status.
Lillian B. Rubin