A complete transformation seemed to have place in my life overnight. It was quite staggering, and thenceforward visitors and invitations continued to pour in daily until they became a source of grievance to our landlady, who was obliged to engage an extra servant to respond to the battering of powdered footmen on her humble and somewhat flimsy door.
Lillie LangtryThe sentimentalist ages far more quickly than the person who loves his work and enjoys new challenges.
Lillie LangtryIt was so kind of you to mention that I don't wear stays. What's the point? If you squeeze it in at one point, it only comes out at the other.
Lillie LangtryA complete transformation seemed to have place in my life overnight. It was quite staggering, and thenceforward visitors and invitations continued to pour in daily until they became a source of grievance to our landlady, who was obliged to engage an extra servant to respond to the battering of powdered footmen on her humble and somewhat flimsy door.
Lillie Langtry