The most bewildering thing about man is his idea of work and the amount of work he imposes upon himself, or civilization has imposed upon him. All nature loafs, while man alone works for a living.
Lin YutangWhen we demand liberty of a person as a constitutional right, we are taking away from the officials their liberty to chop off people's heads.
Lin YutangAnyone who reads a book with a sense of obligation does not understand the art of reading.
Lin YutangSo much of unhappiness, it seems to me, is due to nerves; and bad nerves are the result of having nothing to do, or doing a thing badly, unsuccessfully or incompetently. Of all the unhappy people in the world, the unhappiest are those who have not found something they want to do. True happiness comes to those who do their work well, followed by a refreshing period of rest. True happiness comes from the right amount of work for the day.
Lin Yutang