Everybody has their own level of doing their music. ... Mine just happened to resonate over the years, in one way and another, with a significant enough number of people so that I could do it professionally.
Linda RonstadtWhat my true addiction is is reading. I love to read. If I'd get too loaded, I couldn't remember the sentence I just read.
Linda RonstadtThe government has to spend money during a recession, because their spending is our earning.
Linda RonstadtI don't record (any type of genre of music) that I didn't hear in my family's living room by the time I was 10. It just is my rule that I don't break because ... I can't do it authentically ... I really think that you're just hard-wiring (synapses) in your brain up until the age of maybe 12 or 10, and there are certain things you can't learn in an authentic way after that.
Linda Ronstadt