It just makes it even harder for people to even approach the (open source) side, when they then end up having to worry about public humiliation.
Linus TorvaldsHey, I'm a good software engineer, but I'm not exactly known for my fashion sense. White socks and sandals don't translate to 'good design sense'.
Linus TorvaldsI am pragmatic. That which works, works, and theory can go screw itself. However, my pragmatism also extends to maintainability, which is why I also want it done well.
Linus TorvaldsThe idea of abstracting away the one thing that must be blindingly fast, the kernel, is inherently counter productive.
Linus TorvaldsI'm a big non-believer in manual driver and kernel configuration, be it visual or not.
Linus TorvaldsIn science, the whole system builds on people looking at other people's results and building on top of them. In witchcraft, somebody had a small secret and guarded it - but never allowed others to really understand it and build on it. Traditional software is like witchcraft. In history, witchcraft just died out. The same will happen in software. When problems get serious enough, you can't have one person or one company guarding their secrets. You have to have everybody share in the knowledge.
Linus Torvalds