I told him I had always kept my inner Martha Stewart chained in the basement, but for his sake I would set her loose.โ ~ Haven Travis
Lisa KleypasThe worst part about loving someone, Merripen, is that there will alยญways be things you can't protect her from. Things beยญyond your control. You finally realize there is something worse than dying . . . and that is having something hapยญpen to her. You have to live with that fear always. But you have to take the bad part, if you want the good part." Kev looked at him bleakly. "What's the good part?" A smile touched Cam's lips. "All the rest of it is the good part," he said, and went.
Lisa KleypasDid you fall in love with her?" "I care about her. A lot." "You're not supposed to marry someone if you don't fall in love with her." "Well, love is a choice, too." Holly shook her head. "I think it's something that happens to you." Mark smiled into her small, earnest face. "Maybe it's both," he said, and tucked her in.
Lisa Kleypas