I had to admit the man looked amazing in jeans. The ancient denim clung lightly to his hips and followed the long lines of some remarkable thigh muscles. And although I made a point of not checking out his rear view, my peripheral vision was having a very good day.โ ~ Haven Travis on Hardy Cates
Lisa KleypasThe worst part about loving someone, Merripen, is that there will alยญways be things you can't protect her from. Things beยญyond your control. You finally realize there is something worse than dying . . . and that is having something hapยญpen to her. You have to live with that fear always. But you have to take the bad part, if you want the good part." Kev looked at him bleakly. "What's the good part?" A smile touched Cam's lips. "All the rest of it is the good part," he said, and went.
Lisa KleypasHardy's either done the wrong thing for the wrong reason . . . " Another big swallow. "Or the wrong thing for the right reason.
Lisa KleypasI'm not the marrying kind -" St. Vincent snorted. "No man is. Marriage is a female invention.
Lisa Kleypas