I was really inspired by seeing self published zines and mini-comics: seeing someone else make work that was either really personal, or was just done entirely themselves. It really showed me what was possible for my own art, and I hope that my books will inspire readers in the same way.
Liz PrinceI exist in the zine/small press community, which has always felt more even keel to me, when it comes to creators of varied gender backgrounds. But I also think that there is something to be said about the fact that even though I am female, I present closer to male in my way of dress and attitude/confidence/outspokeness, so I am treated differently by my male counterparts in a positive way.
Liz PrinceI like the Internet as place to get instant gratification: posting a comic online is the quickest way to get attention for your art, but I have been talking to a lot of younger, aspiring cartoonists who very quickly get discouraged if they aren't getting a lot of attention immediately. This can also be aggravated by artists who appear to be really quickly Tumblr-famous, and get lots of notes on their work.
Liz PrinceI used to think that a guy telling me I'm "not like other girls" was a compliment and I've now flipped to seeing that for the back-handed compliment that it is.
Liz PrinceI don't know what the comics community could do to make everyone feel welcome; I'm cynical and unsure if everyone can feel welcome, simply because so many people have conflicting ideas of what is welcoming, but I think that calling out creators and comic industry people who have harassed people and/or been abusive is a good first step. If we create a culture where those kinds of actions can no-longer go unchecked, then more people may feel welcome to participate and know that they will be heard if they experience unfairness.
Liz Prince