To centralize power in the name of freedom is akin to putting a crime syndicate in charge of rooting out corruption. It is the normal state of politics that the more centralized it is, the more damage it does. Fast-track authority [for government-to-government trade agreements] centralizes power and is therefore part of the problem.
Llewellyn RockwellTo concede that there are social problems that cannot be corrected without the state is to give up the entire argument over the future of liberty itself.
Llewellyn RockwellWelcome to the age of paper money, where governments and central banks can manufacture as much money as they want without limit. Gold was the last limit. Its banishment as a standard unleashed the inflation monster and leviathan itself, which has swelled beyond comprehension.
Llewellyn RockwellPrivate enterprise creates; government destroys. That is the great economic lesson of our times and all times.
Llewellyn RockwellThe private sector is creating a miracle a day, even as the stuff that government attempts is failing left and right.
Llewellyn RockwellIt's not as if socialism is a new idea. It was tried in the 20th century. It produced economic stagnation and despair. In its purest form, it extinguished more than one hundred million people.
Llewellyn RockwellThe most encouraging trend of our time is the widespread loss of faith in government. No longer do people look to the government as the great problem solver, economic planner, social unifier, or cultural czar. The government is more likely to be seen for what it is, a haven for grafters, liars, and would-be tyrants. Americans, like the Russians, no longer believe anything until it is officially denied.
Llewellyn Rockwell