There is nothing the state can do, and which society needs done, that cannot be done far better by the market.
Llewellyn RockwellWhat the American worker needs is more of what WalMart offers and less of what the government offers.
Llewellyn RockwellTo centralize power in the name of freedom is akin to putting a crime syndicate in charge of rooting out corruption. It is the normal state of politics that the more centralized it is, the more damage it does. Fast-track authority [for government-to-government trade agreements] centralizes power and is therefore part of the problem.
Llewellyn RockwellSocialized medicine must fail for the same reasons all socialism must fail: it offers no system for rationally allocating resources, and instead promotes the overutilization of all resources, ending in bankruptcy.
Llewellyn RockwellAmericans are coming to their senses, and the libertarian theory of society and government is pointing the way. The times change, but the enduring principles that help us to interpret and understand the world do not. It remains true now, as then, as in the future, saecula saeculorum, that government provides neither an effective nor a moral means for solving any human problem.
Llewellyn Rockwell